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What is the development history of Cleaning mop

duhui 2022-01-11

About Cleaning mop Manufacturers:


What is the development history of Cleaning mop


Cleaning mop should originate from rags. When there is a stain on the floor that needs to be cleaned, people probably just want to clean it, not necessarily want to wipe it. With the progress of productivity and the change of living environment, the need for scrubbing arises when the ground to be cleaned changes from soil to smooth wood and slate.


The first thing to do when scrubbing the floor is a rag. Although the scrubbing made the ground clean, the operator's first problem also came - too tired. The problem is the source of inspiration, someone just put a long handle on a rag, and oh, what a world of difference. It has an image name - "Cleaning mop". Cleaning mop came into this world. "Upright walking" is achieved.


After a long time, new problems have arisen. The working part of the Cleaning mop, the Cleaning mop head, also needs to be cleaned constantly. It is a problem to be solved that the damage to the operator's hand is increased by the cleaning of the cleaning mop head.


Therefore, smart people equipped the Cleaning mop with a "wringing" device and a "spin-drying" device, which resulted in the "wring-dry Cleaning mop" and "spin-dry Cleaning mop", which solved the problem of cleaning mop without touching your hands. The conundrum of mop head dehydration.


With the continuous growth of the tree of science, the materials used for Cleaning mop heads are also becoming more and more extensive. From the early cotton strips, non-woven fabrics, microfibers, etc. have been developed, and even a piece of colloidal cotton is directly used. ). Because the collodion has strong water absorption and is equipped with a convenient water squeezing device, the collodion Cleaning mop is more suitable for cleaning the accumulated water on the kitchen, toilet and other floors.


Crank Cleaning mop uses its brains on the cleaning mop rod. On the traditional straight rod, a crank part is added, which makes the movement of the cleaning mop head on the ground more free and labor-saving, and solves the problem of the straight rod Cleaning mop bending over and difficult. Rubbish debris is pushed around and cannot be stored under the handle. At the same time, the crank can also provide power for the high-speed rotation of the Cleaning mop to thoroughly clean.


Today, the functions of Cleaning mop are constantly being expanded, and auxiliary devices are emerging one after another, showing a situation where a hundred flowers are blooming.


Where to buy Cleaning mop?


KNOWBODY is one of the top cleaning mop manufacturers and is a professional broom factory. We solemnly promise to provide your products with excellent quality, reasonable prices and the highest cost performance.


Welcome to choose KNOWBODY - one of the top cleaning mop manufacturers and a professional broom factory.


For more product information about YouTube and cleaning mop, you can click on the relevant link below.

KNOWBODY cleaning mop supplier

1.Flat mop fiber

2.Floor mop thickened office dust push lengthened durable flat mop cotton line row trailer factory

3.Disposable flat mop lazy mop household wooden flat mop

4.Manufacturer direct sales flat mop - cotton thread dust push accessories

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